Highlights, April Club Meeting

Stories of the eclipse, peppered with eclipse ham radio activations, were the first topics of the evening. Announcements included reminders of the upcoming QRP to the Field on April 20, the Ham Radio Symposium on April 27, and the Maine Parks on the Air (POTA) Day on May 18. A special round of applause was given to Matt W1MRH for attaining the monumental 5 band DXCC. A special welcome was also given to several first-time attendees.

The program on Contest Logging with N1MM, presented by Stan K3PW, continued the theme of exploring logging software over several previous club presentations. Following an introduction to explain how and why contest logging software is unique, Stan introduced “the least you need to know” basics. He also shared insights into the more sophisticated capabilities of N1MM and how some of those features might be used to improve Field Day performance. He demonstrated some of these features using two networked laptops with one connected to his ICOM IC-705.

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